Looking at life into the heavens could make us think once more whether heavens really existed in reality, the now reality, or is it just a corpuscular past that sent information from light to earth. Exceedingly, it is too beautiful to resists that heavens do not exist. Ontologically, heaven exist as probability of space-time construction, yet it also could be seen as past-lives of stars seeing from earth. If we see the meta-knowledge of it, stars are only constellation with typically disturbing human nature as energy, so as the astrologers said. Yet, we would not know what happens to stars and heavenly bodies because we are stranded in three dimensional space and bounded by time dimension.
Seeing from heavens to earth beings, we could really see a built of creativity in human brain that made stars constellation understood as it is today. I call it hysterical creativity. Why? It is caused by the meaning of hysterical which means a chaotic view of things. Stars are chaos if we do not understand astronomy, yet it is a beauty for those who understood it. It can be also derived to love if we see it as romantic beings. The creativity in human minds make them fully created as beauty, seeing from inside to the outside.
Rendering creativity, science are full of it. First, from the extravagant view of atoms, and also all to space-time general relativity continuum. Science especially physics needs a lot of creativity to be understood, if not they are only groups of philosophy and mathematical matters without any meanings. Hysterical creativity is needed to pull out the cavity of dullness in science. Something could be interesting if we could be hysterical in seeing it as creativity matters. It is only disturbing to see something only from point of view of basics knowledge rather than all beautiful correspondence of life into the knowledge. As we see, girls and boys wouldn't be together in love as scientific knowledge to curiosity and creativity. It is all that matters.