Water as an alternative energy source may become succulent without any "infringement" of the technology itself. At first, we need to look up to engineers as how they have created such innovations to perhaps make one of our most needed elements into perhaps our machinery, as a start just like feeding a little dog every day, but for this time our bikes and cars are drinking the same thing as we do for every journey.
Clinging to this fit, water as an alternative resource might become fits. An example is the use of component that could break the anion and kation of water into something that creates enough work and entropy to perhaps make one ride perfectly effective rather perhaps not really efficient though.
With a method called reverse redox and addition of certain substance, one might expect a combustion materials onto the water to create a work that could raise the entropy of the machines to actually work and turned on. I'm not saying that machines have soul, but they actually have their own cycle just like biota where as we might decease and raised again. In this point, machines are similar to "angels" just like a medicine for a sick person.
Momentarily speaking, the apparatus of making water to be induced to machine especially perhaps salt-water are still being emulated as such trying to be combined by scientists. We hope that the outcome could bring a great product to be enjoyed and finally creates an innovation with a great compensation to the environment and also our held interest.
This video below might be enlightening:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g4aE9dVra4 (credits to MIT)
Short Article by Chandra I. Purnama