
Systematical Design and "Space Crafting"

In this passage, I would like to bring us unto the Grand Design Theory, postulate of systems in Forces, and the ideas and lemmas of universe expanses thoroughly first inside our memethics.  First, the Grand Design have the idea to bring about one mathematical formulae to convey our universe and all of the Physics Theories.  Even though it is almost impossible to bring about such formulae, the attempts are still going, and firstly, we need to know the background of Grand Design, how is it different than Theory of Everything, and how the mathematics and calculus behind its calculation.  Stephen Hawking have postulated that his theory implicate that the universe is ever expanding, yet in its expansion we would see about the possibilities of mathematical crafts that releases the autonomic means of the relation to its expansion and the forces.  Secondly, we would postulate several bases to be theories at least in gedanken experiments to see whether it is possible to bring about the systems in Forces.  Algorithmic speaking, we would see whether or not there are "allegories" in between the bases postulate of the four fundamental Forces and how the Forces interacts or disintegrates.  Lastly, we would form the ideas and lemmas of universe expansion, see the mathematical implications and looked upon the memes of the whereabouts on thus creative works.  In coherence, we would see that Physics have some modules that it held creating the universe which made an architectural means in forming e.g. Nebulae, Cosmic Rays, and Black-Holes.  This meant that there are more to see Physics in its beauty on explaining the Universe and Nature Phenomenon.

Grand Design tells us the Question of Life have answers in Nature Phenomenon while Theory of Everything conveys us that M-Theory and Superstring Theory are both candidates for the unification theory of the four fundamental forces.  The mathematics behind Grand Design and TOE includes the calculus of Manifolds with deeper understanding on Minkowsky Relativity.  It also included General Relativity of Einstein and meaning of Graviton.  Yet, this gravitational scheme cannot find it standing with the other Forces Field thus create disambiguation to form Membrane Theory that satisfy the need of infinities in singularity.  We could postulate thus that M-Theory holds a specific system to glue all the theories together.  As if an architect trying to draw a design, this specific system re-modulate the mathematical functions to follow certain "universal algorithm" that we can call as "Space Crafting".  Since Big Bang, we always think that there are some kind of abstraction to the universe as it expands.  Yet, this abstraction are not known as space but virtues.  We may postulate therefore that these virtues are empty minkowskian manifolds waiting to be exerted by forces.  These crafts are totally empty and held no forces or Physical entities whatsoever.  These manifolds could be crafted to spare the empty spaces from the multiverses.  This means that all our thinking of the universe had been there from the first time, and there were postulatedly nothing new about the universe.  Only discoveries after discoveries that fills up the empty manifolds.  These manifolds all exerted are basically infinite end, whether it is closed loop or end to end.  As if an empty canvas those manifolds are exerted by space-time to create our universes.


Secondly, we could postulate the systemic of thus saying electroweak Forces, Heterotic String Theory, and Quantum Field Theory in Klauza-Klien Theories.  As how we understood it, the system of electroweak forces are mathematics inside EM and Weak Forces.  Thus it has many intrinsic in the system of the inner products.  While, on the other hand, Heterotic String Theory uses many manipulation on implementing the manifolds.  While QFT uses many "alegories" of system like thus used in Thermodynamics; while since QFT also included spins as how electroweak theories do.  Infuses it into Klauza-Klien Theories, we might see an impending that KKT uses coordinate transformation, principle of equivalence, and spinor.  By all these knowledge, we could summarize it unto three basics view of Physical Mathematic, first it uses manifold, second it has spinors, and the third it includes Jacobian in some extent.  So, we could modulate the theory into lemmas of x, y, and z, with extra t dimension as how it is postulated by KKT.  X would stand as manifolds craft, Y as spinor craft, and Z as Jacobian craft while t are left to the constant/dimensional craft.  After this, we could put any notion and uses any mathematical methods to play a space crafting.  These modules could get us into position even with non-zero end yet we need to do gedanken first on how it would end.  E.g., a Big Bang were created in a non-zero planar on X craft, while a black-hole were formed in Y craft, and the earth moved into the lunar eclipse in the Z craft.  We could see that T as relativity of three immodular motions.  To calculate this, please refer to my previous paper Drawing Time in Four Dimensional Graphs.  Then, as X craft create a crests in Y manifold, multiverse were immersing in Z manifolds of Vega so that the T would be impending as relativity between lights and bosons.


Thirdly, we could form ideas and lemmas on how these memes were modulated into algorithms of either C++ or C languages to find the bifurcations of such (I haven't done this myself. red).  Perhaps, excel also could help to form the initiate positioning of the graphical representation of the universe.  After that, we could put it on Matlab or Mathematica, to see how the corresponding ideas matches with the calculus we immerse.  These could help us to predict Big Bang in multiple realities.  Not only thus multiple universes exists, but our thoughts also create its own Quantum Realities.  This must have a record on the impending abstraction that bifurcate in the empty manifolds to wait for the science creating the phenomenon to thus exists.  As light and mass are in race towards one another, we would see that our universe are emanating like a distant star over another distant dwarf.


Discussion, what would it has to do with Physics?  It is so impending to know that Physics has basic core thinking, to know that behind it there are modules of ideas that created interpretation of many Nature Phenomenon, we would know thus that Physics are not only predictive and scientific, but fun and creative.  How can one use Systematic Design into application?  We could use it to predict the morphology of nano-structures with impending time, or we could measure the Hadrons in two different experiments at once, or else we could use it just to help us form usable formal formulae.  Why do we need "Space Crafting"?  We need this methods to help bridging the mathematics behind the fundamental Forces so that we could create an understanding that those Forces somewhat "interacts" altogether.  Also, with this method, we could see the understanding of our universe better and see another perspective of Nature.

In conclusion, GD and TOE has differences on the mathematical and philosophical background of the written theories; even though both concludes that there are one unification theory, GD are more passive unto KKT yet TOE are actively mentioning manifolds of Klauza-Klein as the immersion of thus.  This lead us to know that there is a system that govern the four fundamental forces.  This system could be predicted by using basic understanding of mind abstraction.  All the memes therein then could by applied in computerized mean to find the algorithm structure to better understand the universe.  So, Systematical Design and "Space Crafting" could be a new entrance to scientific methods on researching about Physics and Mathematics.


  • Stephen Hawking & Leonard Mlodinov.  Grand Design, Bantam Books, 2010. New York.
  • https://www.quora.com/How-is-the-Theory-of-Everything-different-from-The-Grand-Design-by-Stephen-Hawking
  • http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research/gr/public/qg_ss.html
  • Anze Zaloznik.  Klauza-Klein Theory, University of Ljulbjana Faculty Mathematics & Physics, April 2012.  Ljulbjana.
  • Michael Spivak.  Calculus on Manifolds, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, January 1995. Massachusets.


Particles of Physics; Neutrino

Have you ever seen a Christmas Light bulbs those changes colors?  You might perhaps think of how does that work in real.  While considering complex instrumentals and coding with wiring and all that stuff on how to create a safety lamp boxes to sign your car to move forward or stop, let me not bring you to that.  The thing I wanted to emphasize here is that, the lamps changes colors, yes it does.  That brings our understanding in Quantum Physics as Particles of Neutrinos that has different flavor or lamp bulbs which changes "colors".  There are generally known to be two kinds of way to see a Neutrino which is from oscillations and/or Types.  Also, alongside with Neutrinos, we also know several other Physical Particles in such are Baryon, Boson, and Fermion and such.  We will discuss about these four Physics properties and also see the differences in between, and which is not which nevertheless.

We are going to be introduced to Neutrinos.  Just like lamp bulbs that changes in color, Neutrino changes its properties from the positional changes in the cosmos.  Types of Neutrinos are considered having many ways to be divided, one of them through quark divisions.  There are three in each types of quark; the up-type quark which are up, charm, top, and the down-type quark which are down, strange, bottom.  According to oscillation, just like other leptons, Neutrinos are divided unto Tau, Muon, and Electron.  Yet, we could only use one division at a time to properly understand the Neutrino.  Other ways to classify Neutrinos are by how the other charged leptons conveyed towards thus, now before we go too far, let me explain about leptons.  Lepton are Physics Particles that does not interact with others in strong force interaction.  Thus, there are four kind of Forces i.e. Strong, Weak, Electro-Magnetic, and Gravity.  So, to say, leptons do not interact with other lepton is strong interaction, mind that.  Let's go back to our standing point, which is the neutrino.


The Neutrino in the above description are viewed through its bosonic articular, or from its mass.  So, looking from mass every muon, tau, and electron has its own antiparticles.  These are not atoms, if an atom is divided into phases and forces, we would get oscillations as such that shown in quantum as how it is.

This video would verily helps to understand Hadrons.  There are Elementary Particles and Hadrons or Composite Particles.  Fermions are leptons, antileptons, and electrons also up/down, strange/charm, or top/bottom as quarks.  Baryons and Mesons, though can be divided into quarks.  Please watch the video to deeply understand more about particle physics.

In this journal, I would like to more emphasize on Neutrino.  Neutrino start at about 15 billion years ago, soon after the birth of the universe.  Neutrino were first postulated in December 1930 by Wolfgang Pauli to explain about the spectrum of beta decays.  

Thus, we all can conjugate that Neutrinos were oscillating.  Neutrino just like other particles have duality properties that were mounted by Heissenberg.  All those neutrino-1, neutrino-2, and neutrino-3 are differentiated from its eigenstate.  They travel through space at different frequencies.  The flavor of a neutrino is the superposition of its frequencies. 


Neutrino oscillation happens when a neutrino have masses and non-zero mixing.  It was discovered on 1998 in Super-Kamiokande as the basic of Standard Model Physics.  The atmospheric changes between the atmosphere and muon neutrinos generated by collision were apprehended.  The number of down Neutrinos were only half of the up Neutrinos.  This is because the rest were turning into Tau Neutrinos.  Neutrino were later observed using AI Beam and Solar Neutrinos.

In conclusion, there are many types of neutrinos and how to divided it.  Just like a Christmas lamp bulb, it changes properties as it moves atmospheric backgrounds.  There are only one division can used upon one observation.  It could release either Tau, Muon, or Electron Neutrinos.

Study Lists:

- https://icecube.wisc.edu/info/neutrinos
- http://www.hyper-k.org/en/neutrino.html
- http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~larson/Webpage/neutrinos.html
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eFvVzNF24g