
Iota Range Brainsystem

Until today, many scientist has confronted many boundaries of thinking, one of them was brains-state;not the pineal gland only nor the wrappers, but the system.

In this virtue, many scientists tend to classify what they had found and make eccordingly possible to see one truth as another, just like what quantum entanglement works.  It had many developing strategies; not only in mathematical, memetical, and racial unit, but also in prebysterian complex number of feelings.

Accordingly, we usually like the calling of Alpha state after our half-delta state in sleeping, that's why it's sometimes hard to wake up a person from sleep; sleep walking required.

In other hand, Betha state is waiting for us to continue our study.

In this matter, biota lives peacefully, but not mind-restfully of our brain.  Our brain needed more concentratieon of matter over chaos: this is what we call Iota brain-state, when the brain is loaded up to gamma condition, by how rain fall down from the sky, and then we could still manage our life in brain-section that's full of digital processes of human quantum system in computerizing utility like our brain.

The formulae of this has been found; not entirely, but in some cases it has.

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