In the life of an atom, many things we must consider, from the pulse of the atom into the movement of its electronegativity. From what we knew, one of the most active pulse particle are Ironate Benzenes. Ironate Benzenes are what come from a car smell when it’s burnt by the sunlight in the morning or afternoon. Ironate Benzenes have a lot of harmful particles especially for the lung and breathing. Inside Ironate Benzenes we could see smoke of nicotine form into black plucks that makes our breath unspreadth and small. Our breath then send the Iron into the lung and haemoglobin to create a steadfast particles to harm our respiratory system.
In the respiratory system, our main plungs are the big system which goes to our kidneys and hearts. That’s where a cancer could begin. Cancers develop very fast when we are in a city life and lifestyle, that’s where the most harmful effect begin; every time we take a breath.
Plunging into action, the molecules lures into Ironate from Iron and bounded by benzenes from rubber or aluminium. By that, benzena crop its ring and eliminated to Ironate benzene by hard temperature and sumblimation.
The half life here means the increase of aging by the skin, the more urea made in air, the more thin our skin could be and the more unhealthy the body becomes. Body becomes so low in water activity, and the electronegativity by the brain increases. By that people could be more plunged into pelodrome like AIDS and HIV, even though no insertion are made. It’s not the disease but could develop more if it’s unmanaged.
Ironate Benzene are very dangerous, moreover to pregnant women, children, and elderly people, while their leukocyte is down, the bodily defense went down, and virus also bacterias are more easily come to our body. If it’s unprevented, we could see death toll arises only from diseases.
22 September 2010.
Chandra Indra Purnama aka Muhammad Sadhra Ali