According to Quantum, there are some approach that seems meta-physical as such Entanglement and Podolsky-Rosen approaches, yet not to be confused, these are sciences that concerns with the view of probabilities, possibilities and frame of reference, this is very much different to the understanding of meta-physics.
Meta-physics can be reanimated as beyond something, as substances and understanding of things beyond the realm of physics and perhaps science. Yet, this does not mean that something meta-physical is more important or more powerful than science. This is just an approach of something beyond common understanding. Meta-physical realities must be more complex even harder to be explained and understood than the realm of thermodynamics or even super-symmetry, since this is beyond understanding.
Meta-physical realities does not usually include mathematics as language. That is the first clue. This is not a logical process. Meta-physics has sort of "power" to drain knowledge and understanding through either common ground Intelligent, Emotional, and even Spiritual. Meta-physical realities are ranging from G-d up to the understanding of magic as how people perceive it to be. Yet, this could be consisted of tricks or real apocracy like what happened in the bible at the time of old-prophets.
Does anybody knows or understand metaphysics? The answer to this question is absolutely no. That is the very reason why people call this realm meta or beyond. Nobody can understand meta-physical or even have thorough knowledge of it. Does it exists though? Personally, I believe in the existance of meta world. Yet, the proof of it cannot be understood by our measure.
[Picture taken from devianart by mearone]
The thing about meta-physics is it is different than pan-physicism or pseudo-science. pan-physicism are resemblence of physics in the world of imagination while pseudo-science is just completely out of context understanding of science while meta-physics is other approach to phenomenon whether it is natural, supra-natural, or even super-natural.
Some people says, magic are something that we could not understand the how-it-works but can create something odd or wonderful. Meta realities are of course full of foul and 'magic', yet this understanding does not undermine either that magic exists or not. Well, this is not about magic in a way that fantasies brought it up, this is magic in the philosophical term. Is surprise a magic? I guess it is.
Well, the up-most wired question must be, can science describe meta-physics? Well, the first thing we must asks ourselves is: Is meta-physics considered to be scientific?
Well. we all have our answers and know the alignment.
Just guess!
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