Sometimes, we might think that if natural selections go through our era in the existence of the universe, what kind of species might appear? First from Primordial Soup of Alexander Oparin up to the founding of Double Helix in DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick, we can see that amino acids which made up most of our biological 'machine' as humans and living things is a crucial part of survival elements for single organisms to have evolute to us as humans today. These amino acids then morphed into m-RNA and RNA to begin new steps of DNA merging and coercion to creates new genotype and phenotype in this universe we lived in. These amazing structure than showed us how magnificent God is to have let our world to immerse into such a crisis of living beings from how Darwin viewed to our existence. This made us one of the main purge that survives evolution up until now.
As a response to perhaps this crisis, we might assume that if from million years ago when first single cell organism was appeared, there were so many competition to survive between all types of structures. As how an energy is moulding all the amino and acids to submerse all the molecules and atoms into many different type of matters, we can see actually between non-living things and tissues there were perhaps could be assumed less competition but actually perhaps a co-immersion, as if things were to degrade and collapse those matter were pertaining new forms as how Darwin viewed as survival methods in living things, the little non-living things were co-existing and merging one to the other either naturally or superficially to create new elements and morphologies. Had had there were a disaster in the process of natural steps from an old forms into new morphs, there would be a revolution of rapid changes to equilibrium of that matter to stabilize itself. Just like a demography in social norms where it would try to resolute itself into new massive morphs that would be a lot more advanced than the previous form. So basically new form of matter in latter time of universe's evolution would be more advanced than before. As if a helix would try to fix itself from error the new forming helix would have better properties than the previous. So naturally, amino acids acts like magnets that fabricates and fabricates through the dynamics of surrounding energy. These in fact create a new effect for our living tissues as most advanced organism ever inhibited earth until today that our bodies is surely adapting to the changes in our environment. Though as Darwin stated it is slowly but surely.
As the highest bidder of earth structures, we need to have a shifting paradigm that it is not nature which should adapt to our living style and how we live but more that we as an actor of nature needs to adapt to their style of growing, living, and surviving. Co-existence means creating a most comfortable symbiosis between us as human into other living beings and non-living things to adapt and survive the process of the universe, if not just like Stephen Hawking said we need to leave this earth or universe or whatever it is as soon as possible since our curiosity, our needs, and our acts are accumulating how the world behave towards ourselves. It is not too late to coexist with nature, with technology, with interest, with knowledge, and of course also with belief systems that us humans can survive longer than we perhaps had ever expected.
Natural selection is the preservation of a functional advantage that enables a species to compete better in the wild.
As wild species, animals have different behaviour supposedly than human to approach the natural selections. Humans have psychological means, intellectual means, reproductive means, and also nevertheless idealistic means. We are more advanced in inhabiting the earth than animals, we have bigger brain, and we have more adaptive organs and ergonomic builds. Perhaps in some means, animals seemed to be more vicious but adaptation for us humans, does not mean to have more gruesome to survive sometimes we just have to be more cunning to save ourselves from just say a grizzly bear attack.
We need to understand that in order to create a more orderly natural behaviour our civilized manners also have to be more natural than the nature itself. Say for example, tiger does not need to have understanding between their species to copulate as much as human does. But, unfortunately if a tiger have too much other competing males or even females that did not satisfied with the habitat of their life, that tiger could be the meal of its own species. It's different in human, where if the human has moral imperative, they would not eat its own species or else cannibalism like what happened in several species of animals. Well, we could say so that humans without enough conscious and conscience to understand coexistence in the universe and earth just the same as vicious monsters that makes a parasitic symbiosis with other beings and also ourselves. Just like parasite, these 'different species' surely won't survive if ever there were to be global fatalism just like in the dinosaurs era. How so? As how we can see if we were to impart to the differentiation of living and non-living things, there are actually more amino acids than humans. So, from my view if ever human wants to survive longer in this earth despite of Global Warming Issues, Nuclear Issues and whatever threat that is we need coexistence in between everything. Just like I am a little Oxide and the one I love is also an Oxide with different electrolytic behaviour if we coexist we could create more Oxygen.
In a nutshell, as random genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival -- a process known as "natural selection."
Genes actually are Double Helix that follows a Right-Hand Rule Pattern. This means that DNA actually changes over time, just like if we think a palette as a capsule without its pharmaceutics the RNA that recieved m-RNA and cease to exists in such person DNA is depending on the genotypes and phenotypes. Differences in the two may result differently. As in Physics we know that the Right Hand Rule actually seen in magnetic and electric realm, we might as well think that if DNA is actually a product of electromagnetic phenomenon in our body, these would enable us to harmonized the usage of catalyst in one simple process to halt or recreate more C-D-F-A or else to help DNA to self-harmonize itself to the nature. Just like a Turing Machine that creates cryptic codes to crack a plan of attack in the World War perhaps this methods could create a more friendly genes to adapt with the nature. Well, we do not know for sure how the outcome would be, but we might suspect that perhaps new species could emerge over time. It is not yet sure until now, how that would be but to be static and surely it won't be a mutation but to complete ideal human gene that is unique on its own yet having less parasites norm and having less unused phenotype and genotype just according to each one of people needed and habituate. It does not mean to create a same human, but more to better immunity and better helix for either existing or yet to come inborn by not exactly modifying it but having 'conversation' between the elements of the helix membranes. It could merely be state of healing, or exchanging thoughts, or even to SOP levels to recreate a good helix yet up to some extent that some behaviour of the humans are still tolerable in the norm of earth habitation.
All beings are created the same, if and only if they have same level of conscience and conscious, for me beings with somewhat to different in these levels are less fortunate than others and does not have the capability to habituate better than the different levels. As how psychology viewed it, psycopath would not understand music as well as bibliopath, these creates that different levels. Well, it isn't recorded in the DNA itself but it could be seen in the reaction of brain and how it levels with other sub-organelle in the body itself. These are in meta-static norms, not accentually straight to the how a person look. Yet all in all these could be traced thorough scientific terms and things that might make us able whether or not our species is going to be able to survive another era or depleted or evolutes into a better and more advanced beings.
Some of the approach to these are Artificial Intelligence - Intelligence Artificial, Superficial Robots and Genetic Lego, Genetic Inducement though Bi-Static Electricity Behaviour, Induced Telepathy with Consciousness Modulation, and even New Species Habitation based on Behaviour, Helix, Genotype, and Phenotype. These might sounds crazy and impossible, but who knows what the future actually holds? Perhaps our inheritance of the earth would be a little more advanced than us perhaps?
What an interesting universe we lives in, and what a small organism we are in front of the nature!
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