
Higgs Mechanism

The title above has explain us a lot that primarily, Higgs Boson were not only mainly such particle, yet it is a physical phenomenon with such mathematical mechanism that pushes mass to active.

From what I know, Higgs Mechanism is a cyclical mechanism on gluon with top quark and anti-top quark describing the activation of Z & W boson in electro-weak scale.  If we refer again bosons are one formulated diagram with photon and gluon, the making of electro-weak motion.

Differ from that fermion, which has quarks in strong interaction and fermion in tau-neutrino interaction has many differences than Higgs mechanism, or Higgs gauge field.

If we relate it to schrodinger formula and lagrangian gauge, we can see one more added formula called mass variable which extend the medan gauge (Higgs) to exist as H0.

If we see again, Lagrangian has many pushover to Higgs mechanism (not Boson mechanism.red).  Lagrangian makes the main purpose of how Higgs mechanism can exist co-dependently to Photon; which is a non-mass corpuscular particle.  We indeed needs gluon to see Higgs in existence.

In Boson mechanism, the Higgsless mechanism could exist by combining Z+W boson only, because internally these two particle have very high mass comparing with photon which is massless and gluon which has very small intensity of mass.

Conclusively, higgs and boson are two different mechanism altogether, yet they can be made as particle of Higgs Boson by the help of gluon and corpuscular properties of photon.

by Muhammad Sadhra Ali aka Chandra Indra Purnama
Padma Hotel, Ciumbeuleuit
2010, November 27


New Formulation on ELPS (Elementary Love Particle System)

In the term of meaning, the word love maybe too cheesy for some people, but by example, love are distributed into some reason for some meanings. Some people even describe love into four kinds, or more, distribution of love namely: Eros, Platonic, Familial and Agape. Following this distribution, we can see that sexual love is lower than platonic, love for friendship and imaginations, familial is higher, a form of love for family, brotherhood, and Agape, love to God or a kind of abstract which worshiped. These are the love according to theologians and historian.

Looking towards love again, we can actually see a combination of philosophy, moreover through physics and physical system. In rough, love, seeing from the perspective of interdisciplinary view are considered to be in intact with scale of priority, sensitivity of the person, hormonal scale, and time scale. Those are the four main units of love towards mathematical question of love.

In this article, I only will conclude the relationship between two main factors: scale of priority and sensitivity (we will not allow yet, the cause of hormonal problems concerning love.)

If we symbolize:                   β = Scale of Priority
                                           α = Sensitivity

We can see the relationship through the limit of those two substances.

This means that the cyclical process of priority will affect sensitivity as sensitivity affects the scale of priority. Simply to be calculated in mathematics, we could really see the relationship in infinite value of limit cross product:
lim┬(α→∞)⁡〖β 〗 x lim┬(β→∞)⁡α= ∞
Later on, to know the sub-sensation of love, we can derive the infinite to zero for further derivation and calculation concerning ELPS.

By Muhammad Sadhra Ali aka Chandra Indra Purnama


The Ironate Benzenes

In the life of an atom, many things we must consider, from the pulse of the atom into the movement of its electronegativity.  From what we knew, one of the most active pulse particle are Ironate Benzenes.  Ironate Benzenes are what come from a car smell when it’s burnt by the sunlight in the morning or afternoon.  Ironate Benzenes have a lot of harmful particles especially for the lung and breathing.  Inside Ironate Benzenes we could see smoke of nicotine form into black plucks that makes our breath unspreadth and small.  Our breath then send the Iron into the lung and haemoglobin to create a steadfast particles to harm our respiratory system.
 In the respiratory system, our main plungs are the big system which goes to our kidneys and hearts.  That’s where a cancer could begin.  Cancers develop very fast when we are in a city life and lifestyle, that’s where the most harmful effect begin; every time we take a breath.
Plunging into action, the molecules lures into Ironate from Iron and bounded by benzenes from rubber or aluminium.  By that, benzena crop its ring and eliminated to Ironate benzene by hard temperature and sumblimation.
The half life here means the increase of aging by the skin, the more urea made in air, the more thin our skin could be and the more unhealthy the body becomes.  Body becomes so low in water activity, and the electronegativity by the brain increases.  By that people could be more plunged into pelodrome like AIDS and HIV, even though no insertion are made.  It’s not the disease but could develop more if it’s unmanaged.
Ironate Benzene are very dangerous, moreover to pregnant women, children, and elderly people, while their leukocyte is down, the bodily defense went down, and virus also bacterias are more easily come to our body.  If it’s unprevented, we could see death toll arises only from diseases.
22 September 2010.
Chandra Indra Purnama aka Muhammad Sadhra Ali


Range & Frequency

In understanding nature, we must a least observe from two point of view: subjeck and object.  This view of science has been held by many persona, including me, to actually observe a system of a function in people.  For example, we wouldn't know what to be if we we didn't not what have us becoming to.  In this section, we would describe about the to be and didn't have us becoming to.

Let's talk about range.  What is range? is it the same with mean? some people may ask.  Range and mean are different.  Basically range are the delivery of opponance, or must we call the differences between two point.  Can it be anything?  Of course, it can be whatever we want, from observation into tiny details like our daily basis needs.  Mean is something we would like to achieve from a goal urgency.

Then, if we may ask like a scientist, what becomes frequency then?  Basically when we talk about frequency, we talk about nature.  We talk about efficiency and defisit.  We talk about how much per squaremeter.  Frequency is like a line of strings when we pull and observe the trigger, we may find a solution.  The function of frequency is of course to tell the differences between black and white, red and yellow, and so on so forth.

What is the minimum deposit between range & frequency?  That is one good question.  If we want to tray a blue line between the two, we must consider a statistical method.  In one statistical method, one can see many things, from refubrication of datas, entry of name of people, entry of luggage and so on.  The blue line is the more frequency omitted the less range we ought to get.  For example, if you are a soprano, the higher the frequency, the smallets range we ought to get, like maybe only one octave.  From this view, we can say that frequency and range are reciprocal to each other.  They don't commonly correlate, but they has something in motion which makes them somewhat insaparable in science.

The Physics of Music

Inside understanding physics, we would need a lot of skills and material in physics.  Starting from basic physics into the everchanging unverse.

Coming to music, we have to know first the elements of tha accord.  Whether it is the same or not.  We need to rediscover the frequency range to have a meaningful application in music.  Moreover, many frequencies in human ear and so forth, has to be elaborated.

The changing of accord mainly mistaken as the same chord in music.  It's actually different.  From F#m to C#m for example is a flowing of doppler effect to change the municipality of capital music action, or what we call MCMA.  This is why music are so adoreable.

Musics actually has many rules which one of them to harmonize the world inside the people also tranquility towards the listener inside one owns living.


Iota Range Brainsystem

Until today, many scientist has confronted many boundaries of thinking, one of them was brains-state;not the pineal gland only nor the wrappers, but the system.

In this virtue, many scientists tend to classify what they had found and make eccordingly possible to see one truth as another, just like what quantum entanglement works.  It had many developing strategies; not only in mathematical, memetical, and racial unit, but also in prebysterian complex number of feelings.

Accordingly, we usually like the calling of Alpha state after our half-delta state in sleeping, that's why it's sometimes hard to wake up a person from sleep; sleep walking required.

In other hand, Betha state is waiting for us to continue our study.

In this matter, biota lives peacefully, but not mind-restfully of our brain.  Our brain needed more concentratieon of matter over chaos: this is what we call Iota brain-state, when the brain is loaded up to gamma condition, by how rain fall down from the sky, and then we could still manage our life in brain-section that's full of digital processes of human quantum system in computerizing utility like our brain.

The formulae of this has been found; not entirely, but in some cases it has.


Quantum Physics

Since the time of Ptolomeus, many scientists has tried to solve problems.  Regarding the massiveness of matter, many people sees atom as the smallest being of particle system.  Yet, looking again through the empty glass, we can always see the differences between the smallest particle and smallest matter; this is where quantum physics matters.

Boltzmann was one of the breakthrough scientist that we knew.  Even though he died out of shame of his work, he is still one of the greatest scientist moreoverly chemist and physicist who were born to us to introduce quantum mechanics; statiscal mechanics.

In statistical mechanics, we can see many things, from the refrubication of how to make things back into its normal form onto how the market of businessmen work in macro-economy.

Quantum physics has many advantages to be used to be in futute enhancement of the universe and the world itself.


Realm of Chaos

Gamma part of the brain, or we usually call it schizophrenic state of being, has many consecquences.  Based on my understanding to nature, it is when Godmind called without authorization from one own's brain.  Many study believed that in that state people went overboard or crazy.

What is craziness, if we would like to define?
Craziness is a state where all thing put together into one being and create chaotic function.  That's how I would like to define it.

In crazy state, we wouldn't be able to choose hence which one is wrong or right, which one is owned or what?  What about high levelled or highly anticipated schizophrenia?

Highly anticipated schizophrenia is a state of gamma rays which could be retract through brain and gain iota brain system.

Iota brain system commonized what is bad and good, yet still highly dreaming about the future.  For me, this is a good state because many foundings of breakthough in sciences happen on this brain state.


From time to time, people has been mystically trapped into the realm of illusion.  This illusions made people believe from what is real or not.  Like what a magician says, trick is not always a trick in different kind of scholar view.

What has been through now triggering the realm of paradigm of chaos then, one might think?  The paradigm of chaos has bring us unto triggering body of obscuration, what I mean by obscuration is the mystic nature of chaos, chaos needed a strand which we usually call an attractor.  In this system we utilize the character of love, behavior, sights, and also the science of love, which how utilitarian human can brink inside the universe of love, romance, life, and also the expenditures of going in and out a scene.
We are introducing here another approach; Elementary Love Particle System, a system which consists of beauty particles, high boson, graviton and all other strings of "ether" which made this science of impossibility going, and replenishing more pseudo-sciences all over the planet.