
Meta-physical Realities

Have you seen ghosts?  Have anyone ever recorded entities?  Have anyone ever thought why one hallucinate when they are too tired?  These are perhaps the most common ground of meta-physics.  Yes, I'm trying to approach meta-physical realities, and this is not a story of pure Physics or reductive science.  I'm going to explain you of how perhaps a scientists would respond to things that is not scientific, this is not pseudo-science, I'm not talking about science, I'm writing on meta-physics and approaches to its realities.

According to Quantum, there are some approach that seems meta-physical as such Entanglement and Podolsky-Rosen approaches, yet not to be confused, these are sciences that concerns with the view of probabilities, possibilities and frame of reference, this is very much different to the understanding of meta-physics.

Meta-physics can be reanimated as beyond something, as substances and understanding of things beyond the realm of physics and perhaps science.  Yet, this does not mean that something meta-physical is more important or more powerful than science.  This is just an approach of something beyond common understanding.  Meta-physical realities must be more complex even harder to be explained and understood than the realm of thermodynamics or even super-symmetry, since this is beyond understanding.

Meta-physical realities does not usually include mathematics as language.  That is the first clue.  This is not a logical process.  Meta-physics has sort of "power" to drain knowledge and understanding through either common ground Intelligent, Emotional, and even Spiritual.  Meta-physical realities are ranging from G-d up to the understanding of magic as how people perceive it to be.  Yet, this could be consisted of tricks or real apocracy like what happened in the bible at the time of old-prophets.

Does anybody knows or understand metaphysics?  The answer to this question is absolutely no.  That is the very reason why people call this realm meta or beyond.  Nobody can understand meta-physical or even have thorough knowledge of it.  Does it exists though?  Personally, I believe in the existance of meta world.  Yet, the proof of it cannot be understood by our measure.

[Picture taken from devianart by mearone]

The thing about meta-physics is it is different than pan-physicism or pseudo-science.  pan-physicism are resemblence of physics in the world of imagination while pseudo-science is just completely out of context understanding of science while meta-physics is other approach to phenomenon whether it is natural, supra-natural, or even super-natural.

Some people says, magic are something that we could not understand the how-it-works but can create something odd or wonderful.  Meta realities are of course full of foul and 'magic', yet this understanding does not undermine either that magic exists or not.  Well, this is not about magic in a way that fantasies brought it up, this is magic in the philosophical term.  Is surprise a magic?  I guess it is.

Well, the up-most wired question must be, can science describe meta-physics?  Well, the first thing we must asks ourselves is:  Is meta-physics considered to be scientific?

Well. we all have our answers and know the alignment.

Just guess!


Primitive Laws

Have you ever wonder, why did an apple fell on Isaac Newton when he tried to formulate the Laws of Motion?  Well, yes of course that was just because of Gravity and supposedly a coincidence?

Long-long ago, Newton wrote the book, Naturalia Philosophiae to describe the Laws of Motions.  First, the Inertia, and then the law of Force, and Action-Reaction.  Though this Laws, Physicists nowadays believe that governing all the macroscopic objects could surely be apprehended.  Yet, there is a mind triggering question from myself, as stated in the ELPS in previous posts.  Could there be a primitive sets of Laws that could be derived from Newton's founding?  Could there be more relations in Classical and Modern Physics?

The answer is seemingly prepetual.  I mean, from my founding, yes, there is more in relations between these to sets of Physics Understanding.  A Classical laws is said to govern macroscopic world and it is a exceptional nature for Quantum world.  Quantum however is the Physics of micros and nanos where we explore the depth of small world.  On the other hand, there's a form of theories also from Einstein that derived the nature of space-time and the cosmology of how celestial bodies move.  Inteestingly, after a gedanken experiment and discussion with several people, I found that there's a behavior o nature that resembles the pattern of people falling in love!  That I called Elementary System Particles of "Love", or more cunningly the Elementary Love Particle Systems, why elementary? It is because this understanding consists of the behavior of elementary particles.  System described that this formulation is formed into a consistency that expands through past and future to always create the present or now.

In describing ELPS, we need to put all the other Physics Laws and theories to the study, and I found that there are four main categories that included in the ELPS formulation, those are Scale of Priority or simply Scale, Sensitivity, and also Hormonal Sense, and the last but not least Space-time.

Before entering the "Matrix" field of "Love", though we need first to understand our stance.  We are going to describe the Primitive Laws or so it's called  the underlying relations between Sensitivity and Scale of Priority.  These two are the most fundamental abstracts that needed to be understood before any further discussion and exposition.  No, this isn't about relationship between women and men, your prince charming, nor your drama queen.

The first law that should be stated is the law of scale, in this I call it Scale Law:

"On an ideal state, things with lower entropy should be more sensitive towards a disturbance."

An ideal state means an absolute space-time.  A freeze moment without any interaction nor anything else in the beginning.  A void.  Nothingness.  In the ideal state, if we put a substance by taking away the energy of the surrounding through Thermodynamics Transformation, we would recognize that substance and the substance will have entropy as it was created through Thermal process of Energy.  As this is so according two the Second Law, there would be entropy.  This entropy is the one that would interact unseemly and act as the indicator of Sensitivity, in this case could be resistance from any disturbance, especially those disturbance that created not from direct contact, as simple as thoughts, or rays of beam of beta or even just an idea that pops out from our head.

Formulated as (on link I & II):


I    II

Secondly, we would derive the Sensitivity Law:

"In space without force, things with higher priority scale would interact with mass and charge."

The used formulae:

Gravity, Charge & Newton Second Law



Sensitivity Formulae

Finally, if we want to consider this in Quantum with the comprehension of Mechanics, Statistics, and also Elementary Particle at large, we would get:

"Quantum Interaction appear when there are differences between objects Sensitivity."

Conclusive Formulae:


So, we may treat a system of such particles as the behavior of "Love" between Scale and Sensitivity as the basic and new approach to bridge a Quantum Interactions and perhaps new realm of understanding the Quantum Entanglement.


An Alternative Energy Resources

From time to time, people have thought of many renewable energy resources as such electricity whether it is in AC form or DC form or the compensations.  These resources though are scarce if it would be impended with those non-renewable resources that we might have encountered everyday, coal, oil, and natural gas for examples.  These energy sources are actually intertwined by one and the other and have their own cycle.  Just like H2O that concerned to its own cycle, or Ammonia and other environmental cycles also do so.  Although we all are afraid of the scarcity, there should be more concerns to the alternative resources, as typical as water itself.

Water as an alternative energy source may become succulent without any "infringement" of the technology itself.  At first, we need to look up to engineers as how they have created such innovations to perhaps make one of our most needed elements into perhaps our machinery, as a start just like feeding a little dog every day, but for this time our bikes and cars are drinking the same thing as we do for every journey.

Clinging to this fit, water as an alternative resource might become fits.  An example is the use of component that could break the anion and kation of water into something that creates enough work and entropy to perhaps make one ride perfectly effective rather perhaps not really efficient though.

With a method called reverse redox and addition of certain substance, one might expect a combustion materials onto the water to create a work that could raise the entropy of the machines to actually work and turned on.  I'm not saying that machines have soul, but they actually have their own cycle just like biota where as we might decease and raised again.  In this point, machines are similar to "angels" just like a medicine for a sick person.

Momentarily speaking, the apparatus of making water to be induced to machine especially perhaps salt-water are still being emulated as such trying to be combined by scientists.  We hope that the outcome could bring a great product to be enjoyed and finally creates an innovation with a great compensation to the environment and also our held interest.

This video below might be enlightening:

Short Article by Chandra I. Purnama