
Reversing Time, Time Dilation, and Travel Through the 4th Dimension

Time as much as we recognize, are oft its own realities.  As different dimension formed as three dimensional space, Time exists as the fourth, as changes upon divergences over matter and space.  In this scenario, Time are reverend as coaxes of Quaternion changes upon Basic Vectorial Mathematics.  In this passage, we would research on the basics of Reversing Time, Time Dilation, and Traveling through the 4th Dimension, secondly the initial mathematical crack to recognize on ius of Time Philosophically and at last, the formation of time dimension by the taking momentum as the Frame of Reference.

Firstly to say, time is a lonely dimension as though it is ineffably dynamics. Although not a matter, this dimensional firm might have reciprocates with shape and form of Thermal either Chromo-Dynamics, or extra terrestrials.  Although in matter thus are known to be non-thermal ground state matters also called as Time Crystals or Chronium, these are far to be studied even deeply.  Time can be objectively seen reversible, different than entropic matters where all the observable objects are irreversible.  Reversing time with additional properties of RT-AP might done in further studies to disturb Mandelbrot Series of Fractals to know certain imputants element over the nature of one object observance.  RT-AP might be used for a lot of Physics Genealogy including Rheology, Studies of Rays, and Holo-systems.  Although weird but may be right, we can see that Time Dilation plays an important role in reversing time references.  In Time Dilation, it with-holds the change over two different frame of references realities, dilation means the sprung of somewhat "illusive" changes overtures upon two events hold in the eventide.  It means that if we know more about the Philosophical Ground of Time Dilation, we could gain more understanding that time itself can travel through space.   It would held the debate of Traveling over the 4th Dimension through mathematics and cultures of beat with grounding realities.  As this meant such that an X-ray may be found traveling marvels inside the subatomic structures of corpuscular light over matters.

Secondly, this journal-article will scans among Mathematical Ius to crack its Philologics and Lemma's Philosophy on why we can actually use Descartes Presentation as drawing the 4th DImension and adding to Chronosophies, the basics on which Mathematical Patterns to be used on algorithms, Ius of Lemmas, as such Sanguine Ius, Ytterbium Ius, Mangaan Ius, and so forth upon Jurisprudentia over which laws of nature is in overture at cases of Natural Norms.  As an example of keywords, The Use of Chromo Structures to Arbiter Changes upon Chiral-Nematics in defining Time Dilation Realities or else others as such Holographic Dilation, or perhaps Eating Disorder Diet by Time Crystals.

The third nomenclature to follow is the formation of time dimension by the taking momentum as the Frame of Reference.  Taking momentum as frame of reference meant making impuls as the upper and else second stops as the downtide of the curls and integrals.  Or even without using Calculus, we can see that Momentum is the twinnings of Time Quaternion Superdilative Motion.  It meant that momentum is the key on which reversing of time and which fractal of designs needed to be imposed.  What is the main key upon creating beautiful structure of crystals?  Can we be more vigilant on Creative SuperComputer by using Momentum system?  The last but not least, how to teach better without using complexes of materials?

In discussion, we migh say that Minkowsky Repertoire are not really near to the objects, but the rings of Topologies has some dark-matter distances between cosmo-planetary matters like Nebulae, Astrophysical Matters, Moon, Earth, Planet, Asteroid and others.  It is not quite impossible to create a hologram to study cosmologies and planetary motions.  Mathematically also, recognition over lemmas of greater studies and "as above so below" materials are going towards many millennial of success and greater complacency.

In conclusion, reversing time, time dilation, and 4th dimension travel are possible through Time Crystals, moreover RT-AP might be done by Super Quantum Computer, lastly many thinking might be supposed to sub-verse milages of understanding upon Dilation.

References & Bibliography:

- https://www.sciencealert.com/it-s-official-time-crystals-are-a-new-crazy-state-of-matter-and-now-we-can-create-them/16.01/25/01/2018

- http://www.rsc.org/periodic-table/element/70/ytterbium/16.01/25/01/2018

- https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/reversible-vs-irreversible-gas-compressionexpansion-work/ 16.01/25/01/2018

- http://www.phy.olemiss.edu/HEP/QuarkNet/time.html/16.01/25/01/2018

- Chrisanthy Rebecca Surya/Welcome Physics Goobye Calculus! for Moment of Inertia/ICYS 2008 Physics, Special Diploma