
Open-Ended Theory to Stephen Hawking's Prespective of Time, Science of Space-Time, and Clausul of Enclosure through Albert Einstein's Relativity Percepts on Cosmological Objects

Grand Architectural Design Approach

by Chandra Indra Purnama

It was believed by Einstein that Time had speculum demeanor of thus different dimensionality to Isaac Newton's Physics on the Law of Nature.  Percepts by infatuated from that the advancement of technology had been so massive and immersive on the knowledge of Cosmology which had then begun to be grandeur and even more exempts with the understanding of known knowledge in Singularity, Big Bang, and Grand Unification Theory through one of it were by Stephen Hawking himself at Cambridge-Oxford studies on Universe and such.

Relativity stated that if ever two bodies could move at the speed of light or more, the space concerning to it would be relative to each bodies yet not up to the point that the masses between such objects in those two bodies become irregular or even becoming irregular imaginary in nature.  As such, imaginary mass would be a desolation to its bosonic nature thus the mass actually were presumed to be non-existence in real measures.  Its relation to the objectives yet quite much a quasi against relative objects; as such makes many scientists thought that either this reality of space were only an illusion or the reality of time were just a mere rolled dice into orders and can never be extremely deducted had curiously spans space-time within a spectacularly view of vast arrays that at the same polarity in its basics oikumene of the object-subject through cosmomethics.

Perhaps at the beginning of time, the relation between thus were a poetry from space about its fabric of entangled positions between the electron spins and boundary of existence.  If it were true that one unification theory could be balanced and proven by mathematical terminology about the governance of the four fundamental forces, I would say that it could require one more mysterious element that would bridge the differences in between those lemma of Forces, not in the form of Force but a speculative element that marks the existence of Physical Property of such, so that it could be seen as reality to all of our naked senses not as pseudo-logic neither quasi sciences.  What is it then, an element of Physics that could bridge the fundamental forces which could make us understand more about Grand Unification Theory and Grand Design that would makes us think that by thus, we clearly need a form of natural architecture to get the big picture of the goal to such theorem and/or law with the missions of every elementary particles behaving the way they do even up to Philosophical Understanding of life itself.  Thus, a Grand Design surely need a Grand Architectural Nomenclature to prove the contingency and congruency of each mathematical element used to describe Grand Design in Cosmology and thus Relativity of space-time; either by any eclectics, including Minkowsky Topologies, Richard Green Holographic Multiverses within String Theories, Schrodinger Cat's Improbabilities, and even Fractal Time mentioned by Gregg Braden thus so to notice that we may only totally observe this universe without creating such as reality for speculating the power of human mind against natural systems.

As such Grand Architectural Design should always mention all the fundamental forces, one missing element of bridging thus forces, and an algorithmically proposition on how the Universe were "Architected" to be as so today in which that without our faith to the Creator it would be a nihilism on even curiosity to know more yet with humility into accepting the Grand Architect of this vast arrays of these universe that solitarily could not be conveyed by just a man or human or women or alien even, yet through a mysterious element that cannot be denied and cannot be encoded whatsoever which perhaps reside the conscience of creations; thus it does not rebuke the happening of Big Bang yet rather questioning it: "What causes time and space so entangled and nearly impossible to be separated at least by our current understanding?"

In that element, thus one needs to understand the actualization of force that it can only be done through the understanding of least a mathematical norms as such differentiation that perhaps might be used to calculate the differences between each point vector in determining the values of which resultant have the bigger effect on an object of Newtonian Laws.  It could be that resultant had happened on the Cosmos or that objects amongst the interstellar notions that the resultant may be a conduct of either special or general relativity as such according to the norms stated by Albert Einstein: a moving objects on a velocity nearing the speed of light may not be seem as it is if it were to be viewed in one or many frame of references all such according to which object being referential frame towards other relative motions that were be analyzed objectively by a subject on the other planar.  It could not be relatively sought as how Isaac Newton describes the Law of Physics in Philosophiae Naturaliae.  Thus, a force acting towards a relative objects could be referred as only curvature of space-time itself that  encapsulate the massive objects to the conclusive means of all the dark-matter to be the singularity in which the object were inside a Black Hole.  The thinking process could not either get in nor get out by the caused effect of infinite value in mass which were to become the very core of Black-Holes itself.  If ever that infinite value being approached by either spin-up or spin-down particles, that would just make either three known states and one unknown sphere.  The three known states might be resultant of light-like objects that transferred to be a non-corpuscles of light caused by the infinite amount of value to the bosonic characteristics of thus cosmological object.  One might perhaps be known as quasi-bosonic object, quasi-entangled object, or infinite valued uncertain object.  That all were the caused by infinite value of mass in Black-Holes through the understanding of Christofel Symbols that had to be calculated through Statistical Dynamics by the approach of Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Chromo-Dynamics to explain the phenomenon of certain pertaining Minkowsky Continuum in which Topology were to be sought and as how state of Schrodinger Values of probability were appearing at the delta of calculation.  These perhaps might be more deeply understood after the development of EPR Quantum or its counter arguments on string field up to hyperspace cosmology.  Yet though, either one do not ascribe or even prescript any details on the shape or the topology of the Black-Holes itself that were perhaps either bosonic in deterrent or graviton based structures that concludes its Fourier-Lagrangian Calculation to its Refutability in its Gamma Function.

As such, if first with the serial pattern of Mandelbrot Series were used to patterned the Lagrangian modes of the Matrix to the Christofel's are either positioned in cellulite automatics way, then perhaps as much as how patronizing the calculations are, we may see that the Gamma Functions of such could at least replaced the Power discrepancies between such amplified cosmological areas of the topologies that were to be obscurely observed through theoretical means.  Imaginatively, if one could put any random cosmological coordinates to such constant inside Topography that were to be sliced in just a differential part of each Christofel's, perhaps it might be found that however  would a needle in the haystack could penetrate a subject into wormholes, it should be noted that just like a jelly; the purge on the dark matter would not change its relative momentums of the Kepler Laws Motion on how each cosmological order to be still in elliptical behaviour even after a little dent of shields on the EM fields happened to perhaps not covering the million years into the singularity lines through abruptly viewed a glimpse of imagination a Black Hole shape's.  Perhaps, imaginatively and visualization would not even able convoluting in meta-physical views the predictably shape of thus unlike meme-pools in the understanding of fractals.  Yet, intuitions and feelings may perhaps still "touch" that impenetrable shields by mysterious mean in conclusive to the abstraction of unfamiliar elements that had gotten to be inside every fractured reality.  Those are not as an understanding of yet a conscious object of a referential frame dynamics in concluding through the missing links between an invasive thinking of that perhaps new fundamental particles to be found between its characteristics as such fermion, boson, gluon, and thus of flavors.  The question though perhaps arisen: "Why does mass scrutinized responsible for the appearance of, not yet to be noted by the shape of a Black Hole, but perhaps pertaining white dwarves as it were a state before a Cosmological Object can be considered as a Black Hole therein?"

Let see now to the nomenclature of calculative means.  Just say that I have a psi analysis on delta about 5% in the form of a Millikan's disorder.  Other speculative variable is that all of the Christofel's are zero except the middle rectangle of the Matrix.  Third, let the outcome of this imaginative mathematical preposition be any numbers following a Mandelbrot Series.  And at the last, say that the speed of light becomes in such a way relatives to the bosons.  How would then we calculate then improbabilities of the Matrix to become a genuine provable calculations for a cosmological object to exist? 

This could be a tricky problems, since if we used any Mandelbrot Series outcome, we would find that a fractals of a huge pictures in a succulent phenomenon, with 5% of delta Millikan could presumably known that the error of misinterpretation to the entropy with probably a thermal-static quantity is quite small or either extremely huge.  With the race of thus the bosons and corpuscular light in the space to go sporadically in calculations to the middle matrix, which were rectangular, we could perhaps assume that those two quantities do not make any differential reference by holographic theories of frameworks thus levels timing qualitative-quantity in which the particle reached to the exempt of imaginative prelude to a Black Hole, first perhaps it could be any form of ultra-high thermal entropic cosmological objects. 

We could only say as a mathematical function in a sentence that is only a matter of speculative improbability such masses are vulnerable to a Black-Hole, it could be that the object is nonetheless consisted of Graviton or either Pure Dark Matter.  It depends on how many Christofel's would identifiably searched when matters were to be sent into singularity phase.  Still to be known that is actually the probable nature of a Black Hole according to a quantum world-view, in which we need the identification of relativity and prudency to accept that Newtonian Physics calculations would go to either all zeroth or infinity in which we would not be able to define its classical forces pertaining.  This could mean that perhaps Black Holes are not classified as Cosmological Object but also either an element of interstellar astrophysics cause and effect or just simply an unknown elements of the natural compounds that is similar to X-Rays and perhaps were the origin of it emanates.

Well, in conclusion, only a mega-universal-structure of technologies could perhaps capture a golly Black Hole to be pertained by most advanced technologies until present time, and only perhaps when we would able to be teleported without an engineered  machine that we could present a Black Hole inside a tube of immersion glass or inside a nanotube packaging either inside a fuse engineered strings.  Yet, who knows perhaps Chrononium could be elaborated and confounded as a part of the essence to existential time or perhaps just a main joke of relativity illusions when want to understand special and general relativity of Albert Einstein's understanding to its fluke.  All of that could still be rebuked, refuted, discussed, or defended.

Image Sources:

- https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=black+hole+topology&view=detailv2&id=F7EFD5462AEDC5B171F649DD5F0335B8FFCB29AD&selectedindex=36&ccid=WC%2BobI28&simid=608029252771905679&thid=OIP.M582fa86c8dbc7270b61fd87b3e047924o0&mode=overlay&first=1

- https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=black+hole+topology&view=detailv2&id=37397EC83BF08F25EDCF7200A00FF3E9BEA4249B&selectedindex=33&ccid=2UHiBkBD&simid=608026714437650042&thid=OIP.Md941e2064043195a2b4d7c5f1c1a5f18o0&mode=overlay&first=1

- https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=black+hole+topology&view=detailv2&id=7A81C6F7FFE2E447AF858FD128356BCE48B8E1A1&selectedindex=12&ccid=88iBsgYU&simid=607996301793298573&thid=OIP.Mf3c881b20614f93c1d9afe7eae622066o0&mode=overlay&first=1

- https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=black+hole+topology&view=detailv2&id=B04650B4DEDCF58278F304CD8B69FFD31BDB192F&selectedindex=6&ccid=2N1VD4kY&simid=608004896013027066&thid=OIP.Md8dd550f8918e0145b37c9a5d9164cf7o0&mode=overlay&first=1


- A Brief History of Time.  Stephen Hawking, 1988, Bantam Dell Publishing Group.
ISBN: 978-0-553-10953-5

- Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age.  Gregg Braden, 2010, Hay House.
ISBN-13: 978-1-401-92065-4

- Introduction to General Relativity, Black Holes, and Cosmology.  Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, 2014, Oxford University Press.
ISBN: 978-0-199-66645-4

- Quantum Entanglements (Selected Papers.) Rob Clifton, Jeremy Butterfield, and Hans Halvorson, 2004, Clarendon Press.
ISBN: 978-0-199-27015-6

- Mathematical Methods in The Physical Sciences. Mary L. Boas, 2006, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN-13: 978-0-471-19826-0


Quantum Einstein Rosen with Podolsky in Relation to Theory of ELPS

Quantum ER and EPR are a connection in which created a norms of Quantum Entanglement.  QE means that an electron if and only if it moves in accordance to other at the same they are called entangling electrons.  There are more to it actually if we sees them as elementary particle.  As entagling elementary particle world, there could be another phase of entanglement that were to be called Twins Electron.  Yet, these have to be deducted from the other characteristics and history of motion dynamics of that electron ever-since it was observed.  Void means that the electron can only be in slate of some atomic lines than others.  This could lead to an understanding that light dualism are in accordance to three things, first QE with Twins Electron Theory, Candela-Watt relation to bypass the notion of lumosity of things, and Fractal of Light, Time, and Meta-forms.  In the end, EPR could be used to realize the notion that QE is related in Theoretical bases only yet with ELPS at the approach of System Dynamics with Commutative Statistics with Elementary Particles and Chaos-Strutruzed Algorithmic System; these coukd meant that Bits and Qubits are related mathematically and as well could be applied in Engineering Areas as a particle dualism of data and/or informational particle transfers.

In the theory of that QE becomes higher is slate or phase/phasor from an entangeling character of the electron into Twins Electron we, could see that the differences in three main ideas are, entangeling and twinning differences laid mainly on the behavior of electrone dynamics, an entangled can move anywhere at the instantanious time while twinning moves in the same way of the other according to the particle automata of that miscellaneuos, second differences are that twinning had the same exact of number behind the comma of an electron up to perhaps the fifth or the seventh behind the dot for its valence while engtangeling does not have or held that idea, and the third is that twinning can makes the other eletron dissolves in the radiotional areas of both and create bigger yet the same amount of chage in the twinning, yet the center of the electron would still be the same.  In this case a QE-ER-EPR relations with ELPS according to electrones are mainly just by systems of valence and covalency with the dynamics of its Statistical Mechanics.

Secondly, Candella-Watt relation are lumosity in the bypassing mode by the mode of power charge convertion to the strength of light radiation.  It's the same things in which our hand could held a glass yet do not get it slipped if whe hold it right.  As so, it could be stated that Chronium is imagined as a decaying of a twinning atoms that had been unbordered for several half electron lifespan if and only if their lifespan is not zero or uncountable.  As a metaforma, Candella-Watt relation coukd measures more effective use of lights, calculte the integer of lightning and making a place for perhaps Chronium to be seen by means.  The relations are that ELPS needed Candella-Watt relation to know that the System of Love Particles behaves like a condolation between fire and fire yet it happens in between elementary particle.  Could also be stated as the "dance" of Elementary Particles in Systems and Dynamics.

Thirdly, is that fractal-lights, time, and metaforms.  In thise idea fractal light are the measures of fractals mathematics to be applied in the either wave or particles of light to know the main mapping and structure of madelbrot in the lights or measured in fractal whether or not lights have that notions.  By this we all can undestand that time also could be approched by fractal with Descaretean Beasis of 4 Dimensional Graphs.  While metaforma meant that behind a form of Fractals inside a mandelbrot and to be a form there needs a meta-static and meta-psuedic, with corelevancy between events, formulation and topologies.  If and only if QE=ER-EPR this are aplliable to Quantum Mechanis.

In Discussion, Chromium can be related to the information state inside a space whether or not the space is big enough for us to objects.  These could lead to that time are not able to be separated by space if the space are not relative to the existance of event in the memory of one person, things or essence.  The differentiation of relativity are not only in General and Special Relativity but also Essential Relativity in its philosophical basis although not yet can be calculated.  So, it implies that time also hold informations in the kinds that cannot be taken or given by merely technological approach but perhaps through essential and semantical with hiigh level and/or advance tehcno-physics moutatves,  relatively perhaps in between understanding of mine to the reader would be different essentially.  Christofel Symbols in this notion is in upmost importants.

In conclusion, ER=QE-EPR are the relations of bridge of theory in which could be applied to ELPS in relations that every system of mathematical norms in QE has to be the modulative means of Eisnteins and Podolsky with EPR as the alternative view and ELPS is the frame of reference in which we could approach the relations of relativity in both or even in the essence of it.

Not all Physics are explainable by numbers, some are questionables only through symbols and deduction and these have not yet any qualitative to the depth of it, only quantitative measures.


- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3768070/The-equation-transform-physics-Researchers-say-ER-EPR-quantum-mechanics-fits-theory-general-relativity.html

 - Modern Physics, John & Wiley

- Gregg Braden, Fractal Time

- Hokky Situngkir & Yohannes Surya, Menuju Indonesa yang Lebih Baik

- Mathematical Physics, H.J. Pain




Co-existence as Response to Darwinian Theory of Evolution

Darwin wrote, "…Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a great and sudden leap, but must advance by short and sure, though slow steps."

Sometimes, we might think that if natural selections go through our era in the existence of the universe, what kind of species might appear?  First from Primordial Soup of Alexander Oparin up to the founding of Double Helix in DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick, we can see that amino acids which made up most of our biological 'machine' as humans and living things is a crucial part of survival elements for single organisms to have evolute to us as humans today.  These amino acids then morphed into m-RNA and RNA to begin new steps of DNA merging and coercion to creates new genotype and phenotype in this universe we lived in.  These amazing structure than showed us how magnificent God is to have let our world to immerse into such a crisis of living beings from how Darwin viewed to our existence.  This made us one of the main purge that survives evolution up until now.

As a response to perhaps this crisis, we might assume that if from million years ago when first single cell organism was appeared, there were so many competition to survive between all types of structures.  As how an energy is moulding all the amino and acids to submerse all the molecules and atoms into many different type of matters, we can see actually between non-living things and tissues there were perhaps could be assumed less competition but actually perhaps a co-immersion, as if things were to degrade and collapse those matter were pertaining new forms as how Darwin viewed as survival methods in living things, the little non-living things were co-existing and merging one to the other either naturally or superficially to create new elements and morphologies.  Had had there were a disaster in the process of natural steps from an old forms into new morphs, there would be a revolution of rapid changes to equilibrium of that matter to stabilize itself.  Just like a demography in social norms where it would try to resolute itself into new massive morphs that would be a lot more advanced than the previous form.  So basically new form of matter in latter time of universe's evolution would be more advanced than before.  As if a helix would try to fix itself from error the new forming helix would have better properties than the previous.  So naturally, amino acids acts like magnets that fabricates and fabricates through the dynamics of surrounding energy.  These in fact create a new effect for our living tissues as most advanced organism ever inhibited earth until today that our bodies is surely adapting to the changes in our environment.  Though as Darwin stated it is slowly but surely.

As the highest bidder of earth structures, we need to have a shifting paradigm that it is not nature which should adapt to our living style and how we live but more that we as an actor of nature needs to adapt to their style of growing, living, and surviving.  Co-existence means creating a most comfortable symbiosis between us as human into other living beings and non-living things to adapt and survive the process of the universe, if not just like Stephen Hawking said we need to leave this earth or universe or whatever it is as soon as possible since our curiosity, our needs, and our acts are accumulating how the world behave towards ourselves.  It is not too late to coexist with nature, with technology, with interest, with knowledge, and of course also with belief systems that us humans can survive longer than we perhaps had ever expected.

Natural selection is the preservation of a functional advantage that enables a species to compete better in the wild.

As wild species, animals have different behaviour supposedly than human to approach the natural selections.  Humans have psychological means, intellectual means, reproductive means, and also nevertheless idealistic means.  We are more advanced in inhabiting the earth than animals, we have bigger brain, and we have more adaptive organs and ergonomic builds.  Perhaps in some means, animals seemed to be more vicious but adaptation for us humans, does not mean to have more gruesome to survive sometimes we just have to be more cunning to save ourselves from just say a grizzly bear attack.

We need to understand that in order to create a more orderly natural behaviour our civilized manners also have to be more natural than the nature itself.  Say for example, tiger does not need to have understanding between their species to copulate as much as human does.  But, unfortunately if a tiger have too much other competing males or even females that did not satisfied with the habitat of their life, that tiger could be the meal of its own species.  It's different in human, where if the human has moral imperative, they would not eat its own species or else cannibalism like what happened in several species of animals.  Well, we could say so that humans without enough conscious and conscience to understand coexistence in the universe and earth just the same as vicious monsters that makes a parasitic symbiosis with other beings and also ourselves.  Just like parasite, these 'different species' surely won't survive if ever there were to be global fatalism just like in the dinosaurs era.  How so?  As how we can see if we were to impart to the differentiation of living and non-living things, there are actually more amino acids than humans.  So, from my view if ever human wants to survive longer in this earth despite of Global Warming Issues, Nuclear Issues and whatever threat that is we need coexistence in between everything.  Just like I am a little Oxide and the one I love is also an Oxide with different electrolytic behaviour if we coexist we could create more Oxygen.

In a nutshell, as random genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival -- a process known as "natural selection."

Genes actually are Double Helix that follows a Right-Hand Rule Pattern.  This means that DNA actually changes over time, just like if we think a palette as a capsule without its pharmaceutics the RNA that recieved m-RNA and cease to exists in such person DNA is depending on the genotypes and phenotypes.  Differences in the two may result differently.  As in Physics we know that the Right Hand Rule actually seen in magnetic and electric realm, we might as well think that if DNA is actually a product of electromagnetic phenomenon in our body, these would enable us to harmonized the usage of catalyst in one simple process to halt or recreate more C-D-F-A or else to help DNA to self-harmonize itself to the nature.  Just like a Turing Machine that creates cryptic codes to crack a plan of attack in the World War perhaps this methods could create a more friendly genes to adapt with the nature.  Well, we do not know for sure how the outcome would be, but we might suspect that perhaps new species could emerge over time.  It is not yet sure until now, how that would be but to be static and surely it won't be a mutation but to complete ideal human gene that is unique on its own yet having less parasites norm and having less unused phenotype and genotype just according to each one of people needed and habituate.  It does not mean to create a same human, but more to better immunity and better helix for either existing or yet to come inborn by not exactly modifying it but having 'conversation' between the elements of the helix membranes.  It could merely be state of healing, or exchanging thoughts, or even to SOP levels to recreate a good helix yet up to some extent that some behaviour of the humans are still tolerable in the norm of earth habitation.

All beings are created the same, if and only if they have same level of conscience and conscious, for me beings with somewhat to different in these levels are less fortunate than others and does not have the capability to habituate better than the different levels.  As how psychology viewed it, psycopath would not understand music as well as bibliopath, these creates that different levels.  Well, it isn't recorded in the DNA itself but it could be seen in the reaction of brain and how it levels with other sub-organelle in the body itself.  These are in meta-static norms, not accentually straight to the how a person look.  Yet all in all these could be traced thorough scientific terms and things that might make us able whether or not our species is going to be able to survive another era or depleted or evolutes into a better and more advanced beings.  

Some of the approach to these are Artificial Intelligence - Intelligence Artificial, Superficial Robots and Genetic Lego, Genetic Inducement though Bi-Static Electricity Behaviour, Induced Telepathy with Consciousness Modulation, and even New Species Habitation based on Behaviour, Helix, Genotype, and Phenotype.  These might sounds crazy and impossible, but who knows what the future actually holds?  Perhaps our inheritance of the earth would be a little more advanced than us perhaps?

What an interesting universe we lives in, and what a small organism we are in front of the nature!


- http://www.allaboutscience.org/darwins-theory-of-evolution.htm

- http://www.livescience.com/27332-genetics.html

- http://mkaku.org/home/tag/physics-of-the-impossible/



Meta-Physics Parapsychology (Telepathy & Emotions)

Have you ever thought that Telepathy is possible or impossible?  Well, here is some reading about it that perhaps help through an understanding.

According to Jane Henry (2013, Telepathy and Clairvoyance) it describes as mind to mind communication without intervention of the senses.  These could mean anything from symbols communication to verbal and mental communication.  Thus, people who had developed this ESP (Extra-Sensory-Perception) could do things like exchanging their emotions even without usual medium as such verbal communications.  Even though, there are covets that makes people curiously 'needed' these and disambiguate the main essence of telecommunications.

According to some this could be described as such:

Thus it is emotions that flows through the propulsion of Quantum Electrodynamics measures while thoughts are only generated in the mind like how meta-X-rays is made every time our dopamine-serotonin-glucose is at work to project either reality inside our mind that can be transferred into others that has very intimate emotions-behavior-memories-psyche even though those people are separated or haven't even met before.  Some people are conscious of these while others disregard it.  Yet, not all can actually convey these ESP.

Well, let's move to the other sides of Meta-physics that is molded into these.  Emotions.  Emotions are not feelings, it is the tingling of bodily reaction towards mind and mental communications.  Emotions comes when one was compelled in their empathy and sympathy as such creating lucrative views for reality to be composed.  So, reality itself is the feelings.  The reality of emotions are feelings while the reality of mind are projections of thoughts whilst the reality of body and mind are these reality including the multiverses described by Michio Kaku.

According to Medical Daily, here are some emotions in capture (700 people were assigned):


These emotions comes from the thermal dynamics inside the body when they described themselves as having those clings.  Even so, these can actually alter the meta-physical body into states as such meta-static or in other realm known as lucidity and pseudo-static or in other realm called astral.

These two are not physical things yet the projection of 'energy' caused by proto-genesis of our needs that compels with the neuronal capacity of our brain.  In here, mirroring methods are happening all over the dendrites and creates either two: lucid in ourselves (not id.) and astral outside the body.  These are all meta-physical and of course pseudo-reality yet it perhaps contained by higgs in a very-very small amount that makes it sometimes undetectable even by infra-red.

So, having these composure, we cannot yet calculate mathematically on how to analyze througly mind to mind interactions but we can understand more how it happens and what is actually ESP in more related matters.  It does not alterate any of our conscience but disambiguate our reality if it sesitivity have reach in some stage that innormalize the brainwave stability.

The links of Telepathy to Emotions then becomes clearer that in order to have direct telepathy we need to have clear conscience and somewhat grease emotions to makes the communication available through any of the pseudo-meta to interact in any sort of communications.  Those three things in our common mind: desirable emotions, equlibrial meta-amplitudes of brainwave, and conscience.  Without those three any kind of these ESP would fail or even hijacked the lethargic of selves.

So, as usual, our curiousity is nothing less than willingness of lusts.


- http://www.medicaldaily.com/what-our-emotional-geography-researchers-map-bodily-sensations-commonly-identified-feelings-266088

- https://www.scimednet.org/content/telepathy-and-clairvoyance

- http://www.freezone.org/images/e_tele02.gif

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdmyUEVLRAM