
Sesitivity; Is it only in human?

Basic understanding of sensitivity comes from the meltdown of a matter through corpuscular activity concerning light.  Basically, corpuscular light hit a target, after that, what would happen to the target?  That is sensitivity.  Some people may recall that sensitivity only targets on human, yes it is first observed in human act and devour but, it also applies to matters.  When matter tries to be defined by something else, the accordance of the self towards the situation defined would create an amount of sensitivity on something undefined.  This undefined is feeling.  This is the bridge reality of matter, soul, consciousness, and forces.

Sensitivity can be order of chaos in feeling.  Seeing it that way, we could say that matter actually has feelings.  Matter and atoms reacts towards an act of human yet slower not as fast phased as human does.  We are somewhat related to a car, our own car.  It is owned, yet the machine also has accordingly owned perspective if it is living.  That is the thing that I want to emphasized.  Our behavior towards an enactment of nature could disturb other natures.  This is what we understand as sensitivity being, not matter though.

Sensitivity matter is explained as such.  When a glass of hot water being poured into a cup it tends to make the cup enlarged for somewhat.  How much enlargement would it get?  That's not sensitivity, but how many taken prior would the glass be moved and somewhat cracked, the limit within it.  That's sensitivity.  How much time to take the glass to break? that could probably called pseudo-sensitivity.  The real sensitivity is the back down of forces taking a matter into chaotic distribution.  The limit of chaos and the handling of chaos, those are sensitivity.

So, if a matter doesn't act as we expected, then there could be a high lacking sensitivity of the target prior to Scale of Priority.


Scale of Priority: Analysis and Description

Concerning ELPS, we have, as we discussed, scale of priority as a factor.  This is the basic factor to describe love particle besides sensitivity of a matter.  In this review, we would like to indulge more about scale of priority, what it is, how it was, and what is it all about.

If we see a floating space-station, let say, Hubble, in the outer-space, we would first think of how it works.  Well that is not the case for scale of priority, rather what we want to see is the behavior of such station to the surroundings.  What is the first thing it would do before anything else happened to it?  What is the first curiosity it made?  Well, that's scale of priority.  It is not how things work, but how they elapsed to the work.  It is not how things made, but how the behavior made it through.

In the other mean, scale of priority could be described as the scale of 'what to do first' before one event is done.  Considering human life, it is what on the first list we want to do the most.  If we want to elaborate, it is a system of lists in data matrices to decide what comes first and what comes last.  As an asteroid moving, before they meet other space matters, what do they decide first what to do? That's the question arisen.

Scale of priority has a lot deal in deducting love theory and go on to ELPS.  It is the basics of all love creation.  Love appears as a whip, like blush, it goes to your face before you knowing that you are blushing.  It is the only stand alone feelings, the basics of all feeling in your heart.  Disregarding the fact that it is neural system effect, it has more to it than a hormonal response.  It has a lot of dealing towards the existence of one matter to the declaring exist to other matters.  You can not for instance have hormones before knowing what made the hormone exist, or we cannot tell there are neurons if we don't see any consciousness within.

From my view neuron has replica in matters.  Just as neurons build one human alive, a similar electrical charge pulls a matter together.  So, electro-weak and strong autonomy appears not only in human but mainly in atoms and matters.  Those are not so different story.  The differentiation is only on their free-will.  Human activate their free-will (Hypnology) through making decisions while matters find their free-will in their interaction as such gravity and pulls out forces.  Those forces are their compacted free-will in one formulated non-bio natural system.

Scale of priority is one of the most crucial base to understand ELPS and love theory.  It has a lot of frames discussed for many probability and possibility of a physical event to happen.  Without scale of priority we wouldn't know where a body will go first if we don't know which has the bigger force.